Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tiny Chat

I updated my tiny chat so that you don't need a link I had to mess with some html coding though...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Drum Jungle

Well I was doing some quest in the drum jungle and I realized that the life apes there a pretty fun to battle! Also so far I'm liking the story line of the Jungle and i hope it stays interesting...

I also met this cool guy that's pretty helpful.
It's Jason the balance guy over there >>

Sry, I dont have any advice for this area because i'm death and most of the enimies are life so they are all easy for me...

Feel free to put any tips for others in the comments!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

tse tse whatever-his-name-is

Well first off I want to say sry to those people who were confused who i meant when i said tse tse long-nose
Well it turns out that's nowhere near his real name! Here he is! (Tse Tse Snakeye!)

Well the point is I've made it to the Drum Jungle and I'm still happy to help anyone who ask in my comments! Also i'd like to give special thx to my friend, Jasmine!
She's In front of me ^
And in other news i finished making my very own spell card! Now if only it was real...
Not bad for a first ever attempt!

Thanks friendly!

Ok! first of all, I'd just like to thank friendly for adding my blog to his list!

in other news, i still need to beat tse tse longnose... Anyone have any tips on that? also here is a video of me beating Belloq... Just cause :D

I really have nothing to do so if anyone is bored or stuck on a quest i'd be glad to help em out! just comment and we can meet up!

Monday, January 2, 2012


I Defeated Belloq today in Zafaria and I was blown away about how hard he is to solo. You have to do damage to him every turn or he will use Ra. Sounds simple right? wrong! His minion guy uses stuns on you!

Well, One tip i have is to use damage over time spells (Good news for all you fire wizards!)This lets you use blades and traps while the previously cast spell does damage.

Belloq's easy in groups as long as you fallow these rules...

1-Attack every turn
2-You don't have to attack if a damage over time spell is on Belloq
3-Don't attack the minion until Belloq is defeated